Alpha Flight Guru Travel Blog

Some Travel Sweeps for Spring

Posted By Wilton0 Comments

In case you were unsuccessful in winning last month’s largest lottery in world history, perhaps you’ll want to take a chance on these great sweepstakes! Come on, we’re already through the first quarter of the year – of course you’d like a relaxing trip on the house.

A trip for 2 to the Hamptons is up for grabs thanks to American Express. Deemed their “Ultimate Luxury Hamptons Getaway” a winner will be drawn sometime after the June 23rd deadline for a pair of airline tickets, airport transfers, three nights at a Hamptons hotel and a $200 AmEx gift card. While we’re not sure we’d call it an “ultimate” sweepstake, it’s certainly worth the minute it takes to enter!

If you hurry, there’s still time to get in on Parade’s amazing sweepstakes for your choice of a vacation in South Africa, Nicaragua, Tortola, Spain or Korea! These trips for two have an estimated retail value of $10,000 and are all featured in the best-selling travel book 1,000 Places to See Before You Die. While you do have to take the time to register, each of these possible destinations seems completely worth it.

Are you good with words? The New Yorker is sponsoring an essay-based sweepstakes for a “thrilling trip for two” to one of six locations in the Alps. Simply explain why you would like to visit Austria, Germany or Switzerland in 200 words or less by May 9th and you may find yourself with airfaire and four nights’ first-class hotel accommodations.

More often than not, sweepstakes tout destinations that are near or on the equator. However, AAA New York is offering a trip north to Canada! Until May 8th, you can enter for the opportunity to win two tickets for a Carnival Cruise to visit the splendid locales of St. John and Halifax. So what are you still waiting for? Neither the Carnival Glory nor any of these fabulous prizes will wait at the docks forever!