Summer Time in Sydney
If your business class flight has you headed to Sydney this summer, plan on doing more than just throwin’ shrimp on the barbie during your free time. This city sparkles in the summer, offering dozens of unforgettable treats! In fact, we love Sydney so much that we recommend calling your secretary today to push back that return flight by a day or two.
If there’s one thing you can’t miss while in Sydney, it’s the harbor. The city offers numerous ways to experience their divine waterfront; from a helicopter tour to dozens of cruises, seacopter views to the Sydney Skywalk. Without a doubt, there’s something for everyone. And while flying across the harbor’s crisp blue water may not be for the faint of heart, it’s one way to experience Sydney that we couldn’t resist sharing. Oz Jet Boating runs a fleet of easily recognizable red shark boats that will show you some of Sydney’s most noteworthy locations while fish-tailing, sliding, powerbraking and performing 270 degree turns at speeds of up to 80km/hr. The thrill rides commence every hour from 11am until sunset, every day, but we recommend booking ahead! And don’t worry about your suit, Oz provides full weatherproof clothing for all that wind & water!
If you’re looking for something considerably more relaxing, we turn you towards the Sydney Opera House, one of the continent’s most recognizable attractions. The House offers a wide selection of exquisite events, ranging from dance to cabaret, all summer long. Interested in seeing some of the behind the scenes workings? Consider the highly recommended 60-minute Essential Tour or the 2-hour Backstage Tour to learn about the history of the architecture, the drama, and the shows!
However long you have in Sydney, we know you’ll find something to make your trip unforgettable. All we ask is that you don’t come back touting a fake Australian accent from the blokes down unda’.