A Recap of the Summer’s In-Flight Entertainment
As business class travelers, we understand that your schedules can often be demanding and your days can be stressful. So we’re taking a moment to lighten your mood by recounting some of the summer’s most entertaining and bizarre in-flight situations. It seemed the summer for flight foolishness, as week after week there were headlines of scandals and taboo splashed across newspapers throughout the country.
In both June and the beginning of September there were “saggy pants” issues in which travelers weren’t just asked to change, but were actually kicked off of flights for failing to hitch up their knickers! Green Day vocalist, Billy Joe Armstrong, and college football player Deshon Marman were both escorted off of their respective flights after refusing to pull up their droopy jeans!
We’ve all encountered a bit of flight anxiety in our day, whether from a touch too much turbulence or merely the act of sitting 5,000 feet in the air. However, when one of two sisters on a Southwest flight began crying due to a combination of family circumstances and flight fretfulness (and, as the flight attended cited, having had too much to drink), she was not only declined a glass of wine, but was kicked off the flight altogether!
This summer, not once, but twice, well-known individuals were removed from their respective flights after publicly urinating in the cabin! U.S. Olympic Ski Team Robert “Sandy” Vietz committed this lewd act in early August, only to have French actor Gerard Depardieu commit a copy-cat one week later. We’ll never know quite what they were thinking!
Finally, have you seen Jack the cat? Reportedly, the feline, who was destined for California, went missing at JFK Airport in late August. While the story itself may be sad, it’s the reaction that borders on ridiculous. Not only did the airport bring in Port Authority and Wildlife Management representatives to help in the search, but both facebook and twitter lit up in response to the news. The Jack the Cat facebook page had more than 4,000 friends while a twitter account was created on his behalf that documented his secret adventure as a missing cat.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our little pick-me up for the day, now get back to work and be sure to avoid any such behavior on your next business class flight!