Alpha Flight Guru Travel Blog

Nairobi Sees New Airport in Vision 2030

Posted By Kellie0 Comments

When was the last time your business class flight took you through Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi, Kenya? Did you notice that the facilities were rather lacking and that the terminals were over-crowded due to small seating areas? Well not anymore, my friends! Those of us with developing business interests in eastern Africa will soon find a very different airport awaiting at the Kenyan capital.

As part of the country’s Vision 2030, a massive initiative created to push the nation into middle-income status, the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) has recently announced that they will be begin building the airport in January of next year.

Currently, they anticipate the project to extend over two years, citing a completion date in 2014, and expect the cost to run somewhere in the $500 million range. While this may sound quite inexpensive in relation to US standards, the exchange rate pushes it to a hefty $45 billion Kenyan Shillings.

As contract bids are still out for both the design and construction, there is still considerably flurry and anticipation as to what this new attraction will look like. However, KAA officials are certain that it will only further improve their already blossoming travel industry as it will handle up to 20 million passengers, include 50 international check-in points as well as 10 domestic check-in points, and feature a railway transport system to better provide transportation to and from the airport.
