Alpha Flight Guru Travel Blog
Baggage Fees Equal Bad PR & Big Profits
Recently, airlines have been unable to escape the relentless frustration and anger associated with the hike in baggage fees over the past year. In fact, it has become something of a PR nightmare. Media outlets everywhere have been plugging stories involving the issue including last week’s coverage of soldier’s returning home from Afghanistan receiving luggage charges from Delta that exceeded $2,800! While the airline was quick to refund the soldiers and even went so far as to officially change their policy so that soldiers could carry as many as four bags, the damage in the eyes of their customers was already done.
Now, with the release of the industry’s profits, discontent and disgust seem to be soaring. While we all want the airlines to be profitable, as we required their success to maintain our lives and businesses, a $3.4 billion industry-wide profit from baggage fees makes even the most understanding a little queasy.
The airlines’ response to all of this hubbub? If the airlines chose not to add fees for such things as overweight baggage, changing reservations, food, and beverages then they would simply add in such expected costs to the base price of the ticket. However, by offering these fees for “specific” items, they provide customers the option of whether or not they wish to pay more.
So, can anyone find a happy note in all of this mess? While airlines are skirting the issue and passengers are grumbling, comedians are having their way with the issue. Conan O’Brien recently aired a skit on his late-night TBS show featuring an interview with imitation Delta CEO Tony Kent who is quoted as having said, “Acutally, Conan, even with those fees, Delta’s just barely turning a profit. With the rising cost of fuel this summer – ah, screw it, we’re rich! Suckers.”
At least someone is making us laugh!